The 2025 MZF lottery is now closed.
(2026 will be announced in January)
Interested in vending at MZF? Great! We're so excited to host everyone again this season!
All folks who'd like to table need to enter into our annual lottery.
The Milwaukee Zine Fest lottery is a little different from other fests and we want you to be sure you understand why (and how). Please review this site carefully.​​
First, 5 key points. If you read nothing else, please read these:
​​There is no rush. The lottery is open for three whole days: take a deep breath and take your time. The order in which you join makes no difference.
Everyone and anyone is welcome to join the lottery. If you are under the age of 18, please have an adult officially sign up on your behalf. Joining is easily done online via the button below.
​The lottery does NOT guarantee you a spot at Milwaukee Zine Fest. It's a first step in an ethical process to try to make vending as fair as possible. We can't accommodate everyone who wants to table each year: our lottery helps us figure out who gets in.
It is free to join the lottery. It is not free to vend at the fest. If you get in via the lottery process you'll be asked to secure your spot by paying a $20 tabling fee as the next step.
We let all lottery entrants know whether they got in or not the week of February 10th. Those who do not get in will automatically be waitlisted. Those who get in but do not pay their tabling fee, automatically forfeit their table​ to a wait-lister.

Milwaukee Zine Fest is highly committed to vendor diversity and runs an audited lottery process to proactively ensure this.
The audited lottery produces a vendorship that is always comprised of:​
At least one third People of Color
At least one third Queer folks
At least 50% people local to Wisconsin
At least 20% vendors who did not vend the year prior
A remaining vendorship centered on other marginalized groups including those with disabilities, women, people on the neurodiversity spectrum, and folks who are unhoused.
*Note, these are just minimum requirements to run the fest.
Often the ratios are much higher.

Ready to join the MZF vendor lottery?
Join by clicking the button below any time during the lottery period announced each season.
Read through the lottery form carefully and answer honestly.
Submit and... hold tight! Our team will perform the lottery and get back to you the following week to let you know if you did/did not get in.